
"helping you to calm down, this is priceless"

Find your best fit!

Hi Everyone, Welcome to our new Yoga term. I have spent the last year thinking of ways to improve the experience for you, so I have I have restyled the classes and expanded the timetable to include weekend yoga. Moving between three venues is not ideal, so I have put down some roots in the GAA Club! I now have the opportunity to store props, books etc., which will allow us to explore new types of yoga, all in a freshly painted room. Unfortunately, I was unable to secure some time on Wednesday, so apologies for those students affected and I hope at least one of the seven classes on the schedule below will work for you. If you would like to join this term, please indicate your core class preference. As there are different types of Yoga available, flexibility will be provided (where possible) for those who would like to explore and experience them. I look forward to seeing you all very soon and I hope you enjoy the changes. Joan